Nub cigars are uniquely designed cigars that are short and stout. The visual of the cigar is quite different that the average stogie, which is long and slender. It is important to note these are hand-made cigars and packed densely with filler. This allows for a slow burn time that is comparable to a regular sized cigar. While it is short in size, this innovative cigar captures the best part of a cigar.
The Unique Design of the Cigar
As a reputable cigar maker, the Oliva family is responsible for this high-rated cigar. The makers understood the idea that the about 1/3 of the way into a standard cigar was the best part, known as the “sweet spot.” The Oliva family wanted to create a cigar that captured just the “sweet spot” as it would bring a long-lasting flavor from start to finish. The makers of the nub cigars, did just that. The novel shape did not happen by chance but instead it was to deliver quality. They merged the perfect size and shape to develop the best part of a cigar.
The uniquely-shaped premium cigars come in a variety of choices including: the Connecticut, Habano, Maduro and Cameroon wrappers. They are nice looking cigars that offer the true essence of a cigar in a densely packed and stout package. Here’s more about the 4 varieties:
The Connecticut Wrapper is smooth and silky.It has a creamy start with a sweet, rich core. With a medium body, you’ll also notice the toasted cedar seeping through. Milky and mellow characterizes this wrapper.
The Cameroon Wrapper is an intense pepper and spice aroma. This medium bodied cigar holds a dry, toasty aftertaste with a sweet cedar smoke. Even with the spice, the Cameroon wrapped nub cigars still contain a smoothness that you’ll enjoy.
The Maduro Wrapper is dark, thick, and oily. This Brazilian wrapper is rich and toasty with a depth of chocolate and nuts. It has a spicy and naturally sweet aftertaste to bring this medium body cigar to a nice note.
The Habano Wrapper is a milk chocolate wrapper in color. Stronger than the above-mentioned wrappers, it is a medium to full-bodied delight. You’ll catch hints of peanut, smokiness, and even a baked bread aroma breaking through. It has just enough spice to get your attention.
This line of well-designed short and stout cigars is a great addition to the market of cigars. It is innovative but also gives cigar connoisseurs the best of what cigars have to offer, the infamous “sweet spot” that most cigar lovers enjoy. It successfully captures the body, aroma, and flavor of the “sweet spot” all the way through.