Liga Privada T-52 is the name given to another one of Drew Estate’s Cigars that blends the flavored taste with the tobacco throw. The word Liga Privada loosely translates to private blend. According to the makers of the cigar, the name was originally given to the cigar since it was meant only for use by the company’s president.
The Making of the Cigar
According to the makers of this fine cigar, the inception of the cigar was all down to a farmer in Connecticut. The workers from the Estate found the farmer experimenting with a variation of the Connecticut broadleaf that the farmer called American Habano. This new American Habano, according to the company insider, has substantial characteristics, such as; not being sweated and being fermented by hand.
The cigar is bound with the help of Brazilian Mata Fina and has a distinct tobacco filing that is made up of tobacco from Dominican, Nicaragua and Honduras. What is particularly interesting to note is that each cigar has been a finished product for over a year.
The First Impression
When it comes to cigars the better it looks is not necessarily the better it tastes. For its part, Liga Privada has a dark, distinct brown color which could be placed between the colors of Maduro and a Colorado maduro. The texture of the cigar is oily and thus has a slippery feel to it when touched. An unforgettable part of the first impression is the light and soft pre lighting up aroma that is sure to entice the cigar lover.
The Flavor
Once you cut and toast Liga Pravada T-52, you’ll have a nice flavor in the back of your mouth with the tip of your tongue having an after taste of pepper and spice. Once you light up T-52, one of the first things you’ll notice is the extrusion of the oil present on the cigar’s wrapper.
Once the cigar really starts to rev up the smoke, you’ll find that the flavors start to pour into your mouth leaving you with little option but to enjoy the diversity. The flavors entering your mouth will start of being mild perhaps as a result of the use of cocoa or coffee bean in the making of the cigar. Once you have started to get your breathing motions in tune with the cigar smoke, the mildness will turn to spice sensations moving all throughout your mouth.
Much like the rest of Drew Estate cigars, T52 had a grayish white smoke that had very little if any amounts of draw. While the cigar experience of having a Liga Pravada is sure to intrigue you, the only thing worth a worry is the pace at which the cigar burns.